Green-Eyed Monster by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Twelve

09/23/2008 06:27 pm
Yay for Jonathan! What a relief!

09/22/2008 10:50 pm

Great view of thier patrolling togethre. Spike really is Buffy's partner unlike the others.

09/22/2008 09:52 pm
love it please update soon

09/22/2008 08:46 pm
Thanks for a lovely update - glad the zapper is taken care of.  Wondering if we can expect anymore out of Warren? 
Yep, no more headaches for Spike :-) And I wanted Jonathan to be shown as a bit better than the other two (maybe I've been watching too much S7!) Very glad you liked.

09/22/2008 07:10 pm
Good thing for Jonathan, he was never like the other two.  I hope the shooting doesn't still happen.  Warren should be more mad at Jonathan, though.  Buffy's not the one that broke his!  Yeah, that part had me laughing.
It just had to be done :-) Glad you enjoyed.