A Little Tenderness by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Ten

04/15/2009 03:42 pm
A very subdued lust in comparison to before but infinitely more preferable.  Very well written.

10/30/2008 03:27 am
Oh my gosh! This is so sweet and tender. It'll be unbearable if this ends the way the actually series ends, you know, with ash. It makes it even more bitter sweet! But really, great story, I just found it, so I'm catching up, can't wait to read more!

10/13/2008 02:12 am
You're so very right - I loved it! Glad she was able to let herself go a litte.
Hehe. I had a feeling it might be a popular chapter. :-) Thanks for reading!

10/13/2008 01:30 am
THIS is how S7 should have gone.  They clearly showed that she loved him IMHO...her caring, her obsession with finding and rescuing him, etc. but they never let them reconnect and they really should have.  This would have been the perfect time and way and you have nailed it.

I have been mostly offline for most of this month and am only just catching up.  I rushed through the chapters savoring each but not waiting to comment after each one but they have all been stellar.

What a joy, a treat, to have this story to enjoy!  Thank you for sharing and again you have done a superb job in capturing the emotions and heart of this couple.


Kathleen, there you are! I missed my favourite cheerleader! :-) Glad to see you back.

Yay for me! I'm glad you're enjoying my version of S7 - it had so much potential (no pun intended) and then it just never let them reconnect, as you said. Of course, I decided to change that :-) Thank you for reading as always - more to come soon.

10/13/2008 01:20 am
The way you write those kisses... pretty amazing, makes you want to be there ;)
Mmmm kisses. :-) Glad you liked them. These ones had to be pretty special, I think - after all that had happened before. Thanks for reading! 

10/13/2008 01:17 am
love it please update soon
Mais oui, mais oui. More to come soon.

10/12/2008 08:29 pm
That was perfect - gentle and honest. Love it.
Thank you. Two things they both really needed - gentleness and honesty. :-)