A Little Tenderness by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Fourteen

04/15/2009 04:08 pm
Definitely a more sanitized foray into the Initiative than in canon.  Like yours better.

10/23/2008 04:46 pm
I love that with the clear shift in Buffy's attitude to Spike it becomes appropriate for everyone to help him when the chip malfunctions.

10/22/2008 11:37 pm
Whee Christmas...two updates!

Hope it bodes well that Xander and Willow have come along to help...might mean they will not cause a fuss when Buffy has that little talk.

Nice use of canon with some changes for your version.

Rushing to read fifteen!  (THANK YOU!)


10/22/2008 10:08 pm
Nice to see everyone on board.