The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: On The Outside

11/21/2008 11:34 pm
Good for Xander speaking up for Spike!

11/13/2008 03:14 pm
And that's what happens when you leave. When you come back, other people have stories (be they good or bad) and a sense of unity and you have nothing.

11/12/2008 03:13 pm
Great story! Hope to see more soon!

11/10/2008 11:45 pm
Lovely update.  Loved the closeness that is obvious between Dawn and Spike.  Riley was so blind to things when he was there that this must all be a shock and you have written that clearly and well.

I can't help but hope that he finds out about Spike's torture by Glory and his help in the battle.  He needs this information to make sense of Spike's place with the group.

I really am enjoying this plot!  I don't think it has been done.  The use of Riley to make observations is brilliant.  He has a history and a recent one at that so it makes more sense than using, say, Angel to frame this story.  Wonderful use of a logical character to tell this tale.


11/10/2008 05:28 pm
I'm so glad the Scoobies acknowledge Spike's efforts.

Flames to dust
11/10/2008 10:03 am
...clearly I was not referring to they as a couple, if not as part of a family. Their interaction and, of course, the deep of their feelings confirms it. Buffy died for Dawn and Spike would do the same for her. The loss of their closeness in the sixth season seemed to me that it was very unfortunate and I hope that it does not happen here as well.
Keep Riley far from Dawn.

11/09/2008 11:33 pm

Glad he's recognizing he can't possibly understand what's gone on in his absence. Looking forward to your next update.

Of course, he has no idea how hard it's been - but he's starting to get the idea. Thanks for reading!

11/09/2008 11:22 pm
You've even got me feeling sorry for Soldier Boy.  Beautifully written, you've captured everyone's personality so well!
Haha. Aww, good for Riley. Thank you!

11/09/2008 11:01 pm
Best. Line. Ever:

“You weren’t there.”

That just blew my mind right there. And I absolutely love love love that it was Xander that said it. I adore that boy to pieces and to have the most prominent Anti-Spike fan defend him just made me smile and love him more. He was probably my favorite part of this chapter and I think I read his exchange with Riley about 10 times. Awesome job.

And yay!! Riley now knows about the Buffybot. I was glad that you didn't have him go crazy and go into "Must stake Spike" mode like I've seen some authors do. Very realistic and on character. It's so easy to forget that Riley actually is smart and can be pretty observational when he wants to be. I love that he can tell that Giles isn't the same anymore and just hiding, as you so perfectly put it, "behind all that British reserve." Very nice.

I love Riley observing Spike and Dawn and I'm really excited to see how he's gonna feel about their relationship as the story progresses. I'm kinda hoping that he gets a little jealous of Spike at some point :)

I have to admit, though, that I did giggle at the mention of Spike carrying a bag of weed. I know that it wasn't really marijuana, but the part of me that's still 12 years old couldn't help it. Imagining Spike high always makes me laugh.

Wow, I didn't realize how long this review was. Though it's probably cause this has been my favorite chapter so far, in case you couldn't tell by the many sentences beginning with "I love" ;) Amazing job with this and I can't wait for more! Also, you totally deserve a high-five for this chapter so *high-fives* :D

Wow, this IS a long review! I don't even know what to reply to... THANK YOU! To all of it. Glad you liked Xander's role in this and Riley being able to see how different things are/ how everyone is coping. And thanks for the high five!! *high five back* :-)


P.S. I would shake my head at the weed thing but if it made you giggle, this is all good. :-)

11/09/2008 10:56 pm
love it please update soon
I'll try to! Thanks for reading.

11/09/2008 10:37 pm
xander had the right of it. Riley wasn't there so he can't possibly understand how such a tragedy changed everything and brought them all together. As for not being a part of it any more? Well... he never really was, was he?
Well, he was more of a part of the group than Spike... But yeah, now things are different. And not just because Buffy's gone - but because he's been gone too. It's going to be hard for him to be right back in again.

11/09/2008 10:15 pm
 thats right spike is more a part of the group than Riley although i do feel sorry for the little guy
Awww. We'll give him a tiny hug to make him feel better :-) Thanks for reading!

Flames to dust
11/09/2008 09:45 pm
Spike and Dawn came to this world (Vampire and Key) to be together. You can´t find anyone more family than their relation.

Finally something came in that Riley´s hard head. But I believe that we will not see him to take the road in the direction of the desert soon.

Good chapter. Continues this way.
Sadly no... It wouldn't be a very long story if Riley disappeared off into the sunset now :-) He'll be sticking around to watch the goings on... Thanks for reading.