The Worst Thing by Lirazel pearlseed 12/16/2008 03:39 am I love your story. I like your story. I love their voices and their actions and how they finally get together despite themselves. Love it that they do get together and in the middle of the big old battle , that's pretty wonderful. And I love how I imagine that he will never ever ever leave her again. 12/04/2008 06:11 am interesting writing style--I like it! All the italic inclusions gave a lot of depth. I also thought it was fascinating that you pointed out how many of Buffy and Spike's major moments together took place in an alley. How true! I'd just never realized it before. See? I copied your italics idea!!!! JO 12/04/2008 04:10 am Wow what a cool story , really liked lots. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! All4Spike 12/01/2008 11:05 pm Beautiful and sad and joyous. And so very true to both their characters. Aw! Thank you so very much! I'm so glad you thought so! 12/01/2008 08:23 pm Amazing stuff! I love the way you write. All edgy and, yeah, brilliant. Thank you! I'm enjoying your "The Return," so it means a lot to me to know that you enjoyed it. Kicki 12/01/2008 02:55 pm So right and perfect. The most heartwarming and angsty (didn´t know if I would get the end I wanted) I have read in a long time. Thank you! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. And yeah, the title/summary certainly doesn't communicate a lot of hope, does it? But I'm very glad you got what you wanted in the end. m. 12/01/2008 04:37 am this is it. this is the piece that have been looking for. it completes a story that was never really finished. you write it so beautifully, that I have pinpricks of tears in my eyes. you have written what has been missing. I thank you! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to death that my story could provide what you were looking for, and I'm even more thrilled to know that it moved you enough to bring a few tears. ;) Thanks so much for reviewing! 11/30/2008 07:16 pm Beautiful and sad and how exactly did Buffy get that scythe on the jet? Thank you! And I imagined Willow or Giles or someone cast a spell to make it look like, say, a guitar or something like that. In my mind, Buffy is very attached to the scythe and would find a way. kamw220 11/30/2008 12:05 pm You're too good! You're too kind! | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |