Lingering by gabrielleabelle
Chapter: If I Could

01/23/2016 01:57 am
A nice, sparing touch, and a delicate hand with emotional registers. Poignant, and very satisfactory. Thanks. :)

03/06/2012 10:47 pm
Sad, but true.  I wanted it to work out, but this made actual sense.


03/03/2012 04:26 pm
Beautiful, thank you. You are so refreshing and a joy to read.

05/14/2010 11:30 am

11/28/2008 08:49 pm
Sad ending, the magic photo was a very nice touch.

11/28/2008 12:53 pm
I just read your whole story.  I loved the ending.  Was expecting it to be Spuffy but this was much better and appropriate.

11/27/2008 08:39 pm
 i very much like it, but you are going to make a secuel ..right?...
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee   :)

11/27/2008 05:24 am
Great story ,  bitersweet, but if felt right.

11/27/2008 02:42 am
Good resolution.  Both are looking forward to their new lives.
I'm glad you enjoyed. Thanks for reviewing! :)

11/26/2008 11:38 pm
that's so sad. What gonna happen to Wiliam and Buffy is all alone. is there a sequel planned?
There's no sequel planned right now (I have another project I'm working on). The ending is open, though, so there's a definite possibility that I may write a sequel for it. :)