Running Wild by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 8

12/02/2008 02:24 pm
This is heaven, absolutely. :)
My hopeful nature believes that Buffy will stop fighting  and acknowledges the feelings she has for Spike. In the meantime, you give us  wonderful moments .
I liked that she thought : 'he's giving me so much and i'm cheating him'.
It defines the essence of their relationship -
but there's hope .:)
Oh, thank you!  I'm so glad you like it!  She's starting to really care.

Flames to dust
12/02/2008 10:01 am

Always a pain road for Buffy. Enjoying the moment but fearing the tomorrow. Never a road of roses.
Spike can try and make her see his sight´s point but like she said him: she was blind...and in the future she will be still blind.

The days are running quickly out of time.

The next chapter?!?...wait!!´s right here, right now!!??!!
Thanks a lot. n_n

She fights it all the time and thinks it's her duty to send him away.  I'm glad you're liking this!

12/02/2008 05:00 am
Good chap, can't wait for Xander to feel better for all hell to break lose.
She's just run a comparison test.  All hell?  You tell me.  :D

12/02/2008 03:53 am

I'm happy to see them enjoying themselves in the now.  Looking forward to more.

Thank you!  I'm so glad you're liking it!

12/02/2008 03:37 am

Hm, Buffy does have a conscience after all.  She'd better just fall in love double quick.

Can't wait till Xander gets out of quarantine and all hell breaks lose.

Lovely interlude.

Blinders are coming off.  I'm so glad you like this!

12/02/2008 02:01 am
Really great chapter.  I enjoyed the Quenya knowing about them and Willow and Tara missing the joke.
I'm so glad you like it!  Thank you!

12/02/2008 12:59 am
I am so proud of Anya!I always thought the gang treated her like dirt.Having found herself maybe the gang will see her for what she is,If not I hope she moves on.Hell even Angel's team would be better for her.Can't wait to see Xander's face..
What to say about Spike and Buffy? Well the second last line, shows Buffy thinking about Spike's feelings even if it's only a second.I wonder does she ever really think about him for more then a moment?
Really can't wait for the next chappy.I want things to work out well for my two fav's Spike and Anya.
I agree with you about Anya!  Buffy?  She avoids thinking about emotional issues until she's forced to, doesn't she? *sigh*  I'm so glad you're enjoying this!

12/01/2008 11:39 pm
Oh Buffy you dolt!  You learn and then CHOOSE to ignore the lesson....sigh.  I can but hope that the draw will be far too great for her to be an imbecile about this.

Anya is a good influence....she was about to make such a big mistake but used the excuse to indulge.  Poor Spike though to have her run off the morning after.  She did to him (in canon and to a lesser degree here) what Angelus did to her...shame!

At least she is starting to admit he DESERVES certain considerations from her.

If I remember Doc said SPIKE couldn't leave until he'd killed the Slayer.....if that is so she may have to realize how much he means to her to figure how to bring him home or face leaving him behind.

Doc thinks the portal is closed and that he is the only one who can bring anyone back.  He isn't aware of the other Gate or the mages in this dimension.

Buffy did do to Spike what Angelus did to her, but she doesn't even understand that.  But Spike understands her and doesn't blame her.  It wouldn't be Buffy if she didn't fight everything all the way.

I'm so glad you're liking this!

12/01/2008 09:56 pm
I was afraid she'd go full denial and never be broght back but the fact that she's willing to give him those two weeks is very hopeful.

And Xander is in for a shock he really deserves.If he treated her better she wouldn't be with a panther  no matter what.
Buffy's coming out of denial, but you know her - she'll fight it all the way.
And Anya?  One of my reviewers didn't like the Anya/Rihar ship.  But I see it the way you do.  If Xander had treated her better, she wouldn't want anybody else.
I'm so glad you're liking this!  Thank you!