Origins:Resolutions by Niamh
Chapter: Shadows of Evil

03/23/2010 09:20 am
I can't help but be glad determined!Xander is back. And a good one, too, or at least fighting for the right reasons.

04/20/2009 11:29 pm
This is an amazing story! I've been reading the three over the past few weeks. You keep getting me more & more pulled in! But, the last  3 chapters are showing up at bloodshedverse!! I'm going into withdrawal! Here's hoping this stupid problem gets fixed!!!

01/23/2009 02:39 am
I have just re-read Origins, Origins: Revelations, and now this since I've been so out of sync lately ... being caught up with real life and all.  =P 

I'll never get tired of this story it seems and now I can't wait to see what happens in your next chapter.  You're an awesome writer.  Keep up the great work!!!

01/14/2009 05:32 am
thorough is good! excellent reead, thank you.

01/03/2009 09:48 pm
Hi Nia,
I read "God Only knows" on the day that you posted it and I liked it so much that I went and read all of the "Origins" stories. Luckly it has been vacation and I have had some time.  I haven't reviewed until now as some of it has been up for a very long while.  I loved every  bit of it. Really fab.I was so glad that both Willow and Xander got what was coming to them. You have put in so many twists that I didn't expect,but itall works.The stuff with Connor and Dawn and Faith was all belivable in the context of the story and very "Buffy" like. I hope that you find the time and health to finish this story as it is worth an end.
It seems you have some other stories elsewhere, i am going in search. Thanks for all your hard work.

12/22/2008 06:27 pm
Oh, I really hope Riley dies in an extremely bloody, messy, painful way.  *is bloodthirsty*  I can't wait to see what Spike's gonna try and do to him if he goes near his babies!!   Awesome update, as always.  Eagerly, but more or less patiently, waiting for more!   Happy Holidays!

12/07/2008 04:53 pm
Great chapter!

12/05/2008 07:12 pm
Thanks Again for the new updates - Great Series.  Glad to see that you still have a good amount of chapters to go before the end.    I always suffer from that feeling of "friends goning away" when I get to the last page of a wonderful book -

Once again, nice to have these new characters to read about and this so excellent Spuffy with children tale.

12/04/2008 08:37 pm
just love the chapter.  I am glad that they made it safe.  That Tara was going to tell the gang about the babies.  I can't even imagine her fears after seeing what Buffy went through.  And to have him meet Connor all grown up for the first time was funny.  I am glad that he at least stepped in.  Anya did a good thing with taking herself out of the room.  She has really grown.  And to have them all moving towards to goal of keeping everyone safe.  Awesome chapter.

12/04/2008 09:19 am

Are you sure about the uncontrollable desire part? Not buying the needs of the demon explanation.  I can understand the confusion, the overwhelming experience of emotion and blood, but sex?  Surely love and admiration and compassion would win hands down.  For some of them, it takes months to get over the horror!  Men aren't always fab but they're better than this.    The sisterhood of childbirth is just too strong for me to understand this aspect of the character.  I would have killed any selfish bastard who even thought about touching me up!  Or the girl in the next delivery room!      Just as soon as I recovered.  

Well, at least you inspired a strong response.

12/03/2008 11:52 am
You manage to prolong and build the tension so excruciatingly -  I'm hoping the unthinkable doesn't happen, it would be too cruel as poor Buffy's only just given birth.  I liked how you handled the post partum scene, it's only natural that Spike would be in extremis after such an event..  As always, I can't wait for more.

12/03/2008 07:56 am
Big showdown any minute!
Spike! You'll have to settle for a hand job, cuz dude, no way you're gettin' any right now. LOL.

Well, they have enough defenders in the house, unless the soldiers make a heavy assault with major fire power.....

12/03/2008 06:06 am
Im glad Xander is willing to help.

Being a vampire, Spike might not realize that a woman whose just given birth mught rip his balls off if he's not careful especially if he tries anything that might get her pregnant again.

Kennedy really needs to learn when to listen.
Not surprised that the initative killed witches. They'd consider anyone who's different to be a target.Ans they are so gonna get thier butts kicked.

12/03/2008 05:07 am
GREAT CHAPTER!!!!!!  Oh boy I can't wait for MORE!!!!