The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Drinks

Buffy Convert
07/11/2009 10:29 pm
     Well, this is very strange. Good, well-written, but so hard. Like some of those weird things I had to read in school - Ayn Rand, the Ilyad, stuff.

01/30/2009 11:07 pm
Definitely heartwarming.  Thank you very much!

01/25/2009 04:25 am
great chapter, thank you. what is scarey is that i feel sorry for riley.

01/18/2009 02:02 am
Ahhh Riley is the fifth wheel this go round (and he can already see what's in the works even if he's not willing to admit it yet.).  This should be will he react?  He knows Spike's feelings are real in this story and has a grudging respect for Spike that he never had in canon....still this is Buffy we're talking about....


01/17/2009 10:13 pm
Thank you for coming back to Spuffy land! I LIKE Riley feeling slighted.

Flames to dust
01/17/2009 10:56 am

Well, well... we are in the way of a Good Spuffy.
And now, what? Kitten poker? ^^
The Trio again is so... I don´t know...*.*U

Waiting for the next chapter... and please don´t freak me with a ghostly Biley never again!! Scary me to the bones!! ;P

Nos leemos. ^^

01/17/2009 02:57 am

Nice Update - you keep bringing in such wonderful twists while still keeping the primary plot from the series in tact - really nice and effective approach.

Again - good to have Riley not be just an extreme "bad guy" or "crazy case" -

Thanks for the regular updates - makes the reading so much more pleasurable - much appreciated.

01/16/2009 09:27 pm
I always loved that drinking scene. One of the few times Buffy treated Spike with any kind of affection or respect 'cos she was too tiddly to remember she was supposed to hate him. I'm so glad she chose to take Spike in tow and totally blew Riley off.

01/16/2009 09:21 pm
love it please update soon

01/16/2009 08:46 pm
What an interesting little interlude! I'm sure leaving Riley very perplexed. Looking forward to more soon - you're doing a fine job with all the updates by the way!

01/16/2009 08:07 pm
Another great chapter! Love the Spike/Buffy interaction from Riley's POV and how he interprets it. I loved the part when Riley was remarking that he had never seen Spike smile like that... awwwwwww. And it was funny to see Buffy's reaction to Riley and Spike being drinking buddies... she's right. So is Riley though. Lot has changed! Anyhow, loved it!