After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: No More Secrets

02/05/2009 04:26 am
couple of intriguing twists. very fine read, thank you. glad to see giles is nearly as mature as xander.
Thank you!  LOL...yeah, Xander and Giles could totally be in high school together.

01/31/2009 12:17 am

That was unexpected!   Such a cool twist.


01/28/2009 05:48 pm
 poor Buffy - and a kind of evil Giles.  Love it.
Thank you!  Yeah...Giles is kind of a jerk in this...but I hope to change that soon! :)

01/27/2009 07:40 pm
OH Dana is in play!  Wonder there that will lead.  Can't be good (I have a deep mistrust of Travers and the Council in general).

Glad Willow is getting help.  Maybe these changes will keep Tara alive.

Got a feeling Spike is off to Africa to pacify Giles but if he's like he was on the show it won't matter.  Add him to the list of those I'd love to smack down.  He IS blind and not from Willow's spell.  He cannot seem to see past the fangs to the being sporting them.  Spike and Angel are not alike (and at his worst he was never as bad as Angelus).

Thanks Kathleen!  Actually, Travers might be a sort of helper to Buffy this time around.  All I can say is...Buffy's in desperate need of a job.  Not that she'd want to work for the Council, but when she hears what he has to say, she might change her mind!

Lots more to come soon! 

01/27/2009 06:04 pm

great story you got here.  i love that buffy isn't taking any crap from her friends.   can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you so much! :)

01/27/2009 05:55 pm
Oh No!!!  Come Back Spike!!!  Awww, I don't want Spike to leave Buffy, but I guess if he's off to get his soul that's a bit of the alright.  And what's this about Dana???  Good chappie!!!  Can't wait for more!
:)  Don't worry....he'll be back!  In fact...he'll be in Chapter 15!

01/27/2009 05:55 pm
okay, confused by the ending, but i'm upset that spike actually cared what the others said and went to get a soul when he didn't have to, it's going to make him different and crazy, i prefer this spike, he doesn't need a soul.  i really hate giles and xander right now, at least willow knows she needs help and went to get it. 
It's not so much just what they said then, but it's about the fact that the soul has been brought up quite often.  As we can tell, Buffy knows that Spike doesn't have a soul, but her feelings for him are growing anyway.  Nope, Spike doesn't have to get his soul, but if that's what he is truly doing, isn't him deciding to get it without almost raping her a lot nicer?  LOL...I like to think so!

01/27/2009 05:22 pm
love it!!!!!

01/27/2009 04:58 pm