Origins:Resolutions by Niamh
Chapter: Rampart of Defense

03/23/2010 09:30 am
My condolences, Niamh. *hugs*.

05/02/2009 04:06 am
I don't comment often on anything, but I find I have to tell you that I'm really glad you decided to soldier on. Everything you've wrote that I've read is very engaging, and your take on this series is a pleasure to read. I wish I had some helpful bit of advice or criticism, but I'm coming up short. Thank you for sharing your stories.

02/03/2009 09:46 pm
I'm looking forward to finding out the reason why Xander has to be there.  Sorry about the death in the family.  Never any fun.  Keep up the great work.

01/31/2009 10:33 pm
Great chapter

01/30/2009 11:30 pm
having recently suffer a loss of family i understand how disrupted this can be. my sympathy and sincere best wishes go out to you and yours. very glad to this fine chapter posted. and seeing you have crafted the tense tone to such a high level, very glad the next chapters are coming soon. thanks for the fine read.

01/30/2009 10:54 pm
Very apt openers lead to heart-pounding tension that didn't disappoint.  You must have the record for keeping us on a knife's edge!   Fabulous.

01/30/2009 11:08 am
I love a bit of action and adrenalin! Well-plotted and paced, this one.  So many players and threads brought in and lots of juicy excitement to look forward to.  

I'm very sorry to hear about your family's loss.  

01/29/2009 09:16 am
So Sorry about the death in your family - I recently lost one of my sisters from cancer - all my good wishes go out to you. 

It's great to get this new and very exciting and excellent update considering your troubles - I appreciate that you posted this new additions.  Been reading this for a long time and have enjoyed it all the way through.  Please do finish the work, after all your efforts it would be a pity to not have it completed.

On the lack of reviews and feed back - I wish that people would acknowledge all the efforts of the writers, even with a simple - thanks for the new chapter - but mostly they don't.   I have the same thing with all the work that I do with my images and at my gallery - So I just keep doing my work and hoping that someone is actually taking the time to see what I am doing.  You must have many people reading this work .  I for one have been reading for a long time and plan to stay with you to the bitter end.  Hell, I am hoping that after you take some much needed time off - that you would consider doing a long story with Jenner and Faith and his pack.  I would love to have some adventures with these new vampires - throw in Connor doing some work with them and I would be one happy reader. 

I am so excited about Tara and Oz having a baby - I love how you paired them - Plus, glad to see that Willow might start to have a way back - if not the group, at least with getting her powers back and used to some good purpose.

Look forward to your next updates -

01/28/2009 11:47 pm

01/28/2009 08:59 pm
Nice chapter, I like this story a lot and hope the updates keeps on coming.

01/28/2009 02:57 pm

I'm sorry to hear about the death in your family *hugs* and hope you and yours are doing okay and hanging in there. Love the chapter. Leaves me wanting more lol

01/28/2009 10:04 am
sorry to hear that. hope all else is well. another great chapter as usual

Rosemaree Allison
01/28/2009 09:14 am

I just wanted to say that I was so pleased when I read the bit at the top of the story saying you weren't going to short change any of your WIPs - you've gone so far with them it would be a pity to rush the ends. 

And please remember, people may be reading them and not ever review - I have, in the last 18 months since I found the stories - reviewed a total of 2 stories, one of which was this one.  I know I would have read from the works of at least 50 authors.  Can I say of all of them, you are one of the very few that bring the characters as created by the show to life again.

I hope this is a good year for you, from what I've read on your LiveJournal, you deserve it!

I am sitting here in shorts and a very light top, it's just after 7pm and still over 105F!  And it is expected again tomorrow and Friday.  Neither my house, car or office is airconditioned, so your story helped me forget how yuck I feel for  a few minutes, so thank you. 

Looking forward to the next chapter on this, and your other stories.  I know "Safe" is hard for you to write, but it is a very good, honest story, I hope you are able to keep up with it without big breaks between chapters. 

Look after yourself, and thanks for the stories!


01/28/2009 09:10 am
 Thank you so much I have been waiting on this . I am so sorry to hear of the death in your family. I had to have my sweet, 14 year old Lab put to sleep on Monday and I have not stopped crying since.  I hope writting provides a distraction for your grief as reading what you have written has provided one for me. 

01/28/2009 08:26 am
Very sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences.

All hell's about to break loose in this story. ::flails:: Can hardly wait to see what happens.

01/28/2009 01:46 am
I'm sorry for your loss and I completely understand you needing the time off to grieve. 

I love this story and hope you keep going with it.  Please don't give up.  If you need to, bitch slap your muse to keep going.  LOL  Anyway, great job as usual.  Can't wait for the next chappie.

01/28/2009 01:39 am

Sorry for your loss, I am sure that was hard.  But, I really love this story and always look forward to another installment.  Many thanks!

01/28/2009 01:12 am
Sorry to hear about your family, But I'm really glad for the update.  I've been hooked on this story from the beginning.

Keep it coming.

01/28/2009 12:58 am
Exciting. Nice to see this today. The house is sounding like a fortress, much as it can be.

Northern Lights
01/28/2009 12:58 am
OH S**T! This is gonna get uglier. Really sorry to hear about your loss, I really dislike funerals. Love the story tho,

01/28/2009 12:32 am
Wonderful update, I'm really glad to see you still writing this story.  Sorry for all the bad news from RL.

01/28/2009 12:11 am
Yay, update!!  So sorry for your RL troubles, especially your loss; I feel silly saying how much I enjoyed this chapter, I just love the idea of everybody gearing up to kick Riley's ass, but want to let you know that I'm still reading, still loving, and still waiting for the next chapter with held breath. 

01/27/2009 11:39 pm
I am so sorry about your loss!  Gosh don't worry about us readers we are a loyal bunch I think!  I know I have read and reread your series I have lost count how many times.  I'm sorry you didn't get much feedback before I am trying to recall if i posted or not.

LOVED this chapter!  Loved that Willow sounds like she might have finally gotten it and is worried she should be if it screws up because of her it will cost everyone.  I love Anya standing by - doesn't sound like anyone is getting past her to the babies if she can help it.

Once your done with the whole series I will probably reread it all over again I always end up picking up some tidbit i missed the other times!

01/27/2009 11:20 pm
Sorry to hear of your loss. My sympathies to you & your family.

Glad to have you back. I'm enjoying your story. It's always a pleasure to find a new chapter.

01/27/2009 11:09 pm

Great to see the story continuing.  I have absolutely loved the whole series.  As usual a great chapter.