After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Light in the Dark

02/05/2009 05:25 am
very good read, thank you.

01/31/2009 08:59 am
 Thanks for the update- having funreading this.
Thank you!  :)

01/31/2009 07:22 am
"He only wanted his friends to be happy if he was happy with the reasons they were happy."  EXACTLY!  In S6 and part of S7 that is just how he acted.  He had started to mature some in S7 after he lost Anya but at this point in time it was all about what HE wanted for them (same with Willow actually).

Hope Spike manages to make it home fairly soon even if still in real trouble with the guilt and memories or Buffy will begin to think yet another man has left her. 

Still interested in the Council/Dana part in this.

Nicely done mix of canon and AU.  Appreciate (in the full sense of the word) the frequent updates.  Wish I was as faithful when posting!

Aww...thanks again!  Well, as you'll see, a little more time will have passed when I post Chapter 18.  I believe Spike'll have been gone more than a couple of weeks.  BUT, Buffy's more worried than mad, so at least he's not going to get beat down when he gets home...I don't think. ;) 

I'm glad you're enjoying the story!  Dana and the Council will become a much bigger part of the story, and the Council might just come to Buffy's rescue for once, at a moment she REALLY needs them.  Will Buffy become a hired hand for them?  Oooh...LOL...

01/31/2009 05:42 am
Oh, poor Spikey!!!  He needs Buffy to take care of him! 

For a moment, I thought Xander might be coming around, but he's still just as pigheaded as ever!!! 

I can't wait for the next update!!!
Thanks Katherine!  Xander's coming around in how own way, but yeah, he's got a LOT of work to do. :)