Stir of Echoes by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Stir of Echoes

06/06/2016 04:37 am
poor spike

06/02/2016 09:08 pm
Hopeful, but disturbing and sad as well...

09/08/2009 09:23 am
It's official- I like your season seven better than the original.
I also love this- if the PTB can send snow to save Angel's ass, they can send rain to save Spike (who deserves it more, but that's just my personal bias talking).
And btw, you write crazy exteremely well. Props on that.
Thank you!

This was actually a challenge--an "Amends" but with Spike, and this is what I came up with.  I hope to have a few more season seven one shots...we'll see ;)

02/08/2009 07:02 pm
NICE - wonderful use of some of the series elements - especially like your use of the song and the apparitions. 

You have been doing so excellent small works - 
Oh, the song...I'm assuming you mean the "Early One Morning" one, right?  Well, that was just a happy coincidence, actually :D  Thanks for pointing that out though.  This fic was meant to be an inverse of "Amends," and I'm happy it worked on more levels than I initially planned.

Thank you so much.  *blushes*  I'm just better at keeping it short and simple ;)

02/08/2009 05:02 pm
Very interesting start.  It's so good to see Buffy coming to grips that she really cares for Spike.  Hopefully the First will not yank his chain too much.   
I was thinking about adding one more bit to this to show how (in my mind) Spike got from Buffy's place during the day to Xander's later that evening.  But yeah, this was mostly just me fanwanking again on a arc that went from A to C, and it's never fully clear how we got there.

Thank you--I'm glad you liked it :D

02/08/2009 12:04 am
Whoa, what a powerful, beautiful piece! You have crazy!Spike down to a T. Loved how he saw his mother, too. Fantastic ending line, perfect for the rest of the season. And a wonderful example of how Buffy is feeling for him at this moment in the series. I absolutely adored it.
Yeah, I seem to have a knack for writing crazy, lol.  Hopefully it's just a knack for writing Spike ;)

This was one of the few times I've delved into early s7 Buffy's mindset, and I'm glad it rang true.  Thank you :D

02/05/2009 12:55 am
Wow---Excellent! Sad, but hopeful. I really liked this. Thanks so much!
I was going for an inverse of "Amends."  Thanks so much--I'm glad you liked it :D

02/04/2009 05:01 pm
OH HON.....Excellent!  YES this does fit perfectly even to the "just in time" weather intervention.

Great crazy talk (Am I crazy that I could follow his train of thought??), very believable.  I imagine crazy Spike wanted to kiss the sun more than once, likely tried.

You just know Buffy went to the crypt every night to see if he was else did she and Clem become friends (watching the History channel....right!  BUFFY????  I think not.).

This is so good.  She is still so conflicted that she would not take him home with her at this point but knows he needs watching.  Enter Xander stage door right.....  Perfect sense.

Hope your Spuffy love has been stroked a bit after all it is up to us to make it work out for them and he loves her so. LOL

First let me say, it's been a long while since I've seen such an excited review :D

And no--you are absolutely not crazy for following his train of thought.  Especially considering I'm the one who wrote it, lol.  And yeah--that throwaway "Me and Clem are best friends!" comment, and we never hear specifically why was annoying, but you're right (again :P), that's what fan fic is for.

I know I've been MIA on the Spuffy, and what I really want to do is finish my WIPs.  But yeah, if you've got any spare Spuffy plot bunnies, send them my way.

Thanks so much Kathleen--your review made my day :D

02/04/2009 05:21 am
Well, see, the Universe wants him around, too.  Instead of snow, they gave him rain.  Poor crazy soul Spike, I always felt so bad for him, but I'm glad she got him out of the school basement.  Although, I would have loved to see her try to convince Xander to let Spike stay with him.
Thanks Tammy :D

Yeah, the Buffy/Xander scene...maybe a one shot on my LJ, but this was set up to mirror "Amends," and I didn't want to add more, or something.  Though I am curious myself, lol.