After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Plans

02/05/2009 06:54 am
that is an excellent way to change the subject, buffy. very good update, thank you.
:) Thank you!

02/05/2009 12:47 am
I'ts nice to see Spike and Buffy getting into a sense of loving normality.

However I don't necessarily agree that Buffy would be so quick to dismiss the idea of helping Dana, she has more faith in humanity and by now she know better than to think thing in terms of black and white.
:)  Thanks!  I do agree with you about dismissing Dana, BUT, she hasn't been given much of anything except for the fact that Dana's in prison for murder.  She does have a sister to think about, and she knows more than anything that being the Slayer can put those you love in danger. 

02/04/2009 11:59 pm
On no, what's going on with crazy Dana?  Is the council going to be able to figure out what's wrong with her?  I can't wait to find out!

And I loved the Spuffy fluff in this chapter.  The bit with Buffy on the phone with Giles (while Spike was busy with, um, other things was hilarious!  Good update!
Thanks!  I'm trying not to make Dana too big a part of the story.  I think I'm gonna take the focus off of her for a couple of chapters...let some of her "progress" happen behind the scenes, if you will.  :)  Some fun Christmas fluff is a-comin'!

02/04/2009 08:06 pm
Spike's turning into Mr Sensible, some of the time anyway!
Haha...yeah...he can be, can't he?  Thanks!

02/04/2009 05:48 pm
Nice playful and sweet interlude for them.  She is still being quite judgmental where Dana is concerned.  I think that hit Spike in raw spots.

Travers sounds decent for a change and not a bloody wanker as we saw on the show so often.  Will be interesting to see how this one goes.

Thanks Kathleen!  The way I see it about Buffy's attitude toward Dana is that she doesn't know all the facts.  All she knows is that the woman was convicted of murder and then became a Slayer and killed more people.  Maybe Season 6 Buffy would've been thrilled to get away from Sunnydale with a new mission, but not this one.  She has more going on in her life, and right now, the Council's got it somewhat under control now that she's back in her restraints.  More to come soon on that, though.  Plus, I tried to get across that Buffy was separating Dana has a murderer from Spike as a vampire, because she sees it as two different things.