After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Phone Call

02/16/2009 04:42 am
enjoying your buffy. very good read, thank you.
Thanks vladt!

02/08/2009 06:31 pm
Great Story - Like how your resolution to how Buffy comes back - how she has been changed after her death - how it effects her resurrected life.  The idea of being transformed with more peaceful and loving and understanding nature works really well; gives a simple but very effective and logical reason for the changes of character and how she evolves in your work.  Love your Spike and Dawn and again, why he makes his choice to get his soul restored works to the advantage of his character. 

I had been wanting to read your story but decided to wait until you had a large amount of chapters posted.   Am enjoying it very much -
Thanks!  I understand you wanting to wait until there are more chapters posted.  I definitely intend to keep writing more chapters!

I'm glad you like the way I'm writing Buffy's more understanding nature!  Thanks!

02/05/2009 07:36 pm
I love Spuffy fluffiness!!!  Very good, very sweet chapter!  Can't wait to see what happens when Hank sees Spike for the first time.  Update soon please! :-)
Aw, thanks Katherine!  :)  I'm glad you liked it!  I'm going to start working on the next chapter ASAP.  I took a couple days off because I've been having some gallbladder issues, but I'm feeling a bit better now. :)