Impact by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: "You know I wanna dance."

02/26/2009 08:08 pm
OH a sane Xander for a change!  Yes Buffy should have told them all and she MIGHT have had this sort of response at that point (guilt.....a real good motive for acceptance LOL).

Yeah, I never got that.  No one hated Spike or was on some kind of anti-Spike band wagon at that point...Oh, season six--a boatload of disappointments :P

Thanks Kathleen--I'm stupidly happy you enjoyed it :D

02/26/2009 05:34 pm
What is this I see?  A grown up Xander?  Has Hell finally frozen over?  Glad to see that her friends took it well=)
Lol :D  I do believe that Xander wanted the best for his best friend, and if he knew and she'd been happy, I think it would have been okay in canon.


02/26/2009 03:44 pm
awww, I loved that Xander said that.
Thank you :D

I thought it'd be a perfect ending--they'll all deal, and support Buffy.

02/26/2009 03:02 pm
What a sweet, romantic story.  I'm kind of an angst lover myself, but I really like it when Buffy and Spike can find a bit of happiness without all the hurt.  And, I kind of like to think that if the sex in "Smashed" didn't happen, that maybe the two of them could have found something slightly healthier in terms of a relationship.  I really liked in the first chappy, that it was Spike that slowed the momentum and stopped things before they went to far.  He was the one that saw what Buffy was really worried about - and he does always seem to see what she doesn't want everyone to see.  And my favorite part so far (besides all the spuffy love) was that Xander managed to form a mature, adult reaction to seeing Spike and Buffy dancing.  I think it's great that he saw the importance of Buffy's laughing and chose her happiness over his own prejudice.  Cheers, I look forward to more.
I figured that s6 had enough angst for a lifetime in regards to any s6 fix I'd ever write ;) 

I thought it was important for Spike to have the upper hand.  When the sex happened, he lost it, and Buffy was too unstable to see what was right there.  And I think that Xander truly would have been okay with it had he'd known, and if Buffy had been happy about it.  It's a shame he never got the chance, and we never got to see it.

And sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is more than likely it for this little fic.  I've already done a s6 long fic, and have another that I need to finish, and the ending here felt...right.  They'll all deal, and Buffy is happy, and no one is hiding, so it's a high note, at least.  But who knows?  Maybe down the road there'll be a bit more...

Thank you :)

02/26/2009 01:14 pm
D=  That's because you are clearly awesome here, Xander.  Total grown-up behaviour.  Yes, you'd prefer if they didn't, but if he makes her happy, it's all good.

Totally loving this fic.  Keep up the good work!
Thank you :D  I think that Xander (in canon) would have been cool about it as well, if actually given the chance.

And terribly sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this last chapter was, well probably the last chapter.  I went much further with this than I intended to go, but this is probably it.  I'm happy you enjoyed it though :)