Soul Meets Body by DoriansKitten
Chapter: Part Two

03/12/2009 11:23 pm
very good read, thank you. love the last line.
More is on the way. Thank you for reviewing.

03/09/2009 02:05 am
Buffy is so mercurial at times that it's confusing but I suppose that was her whole mood in S7. 
Thanks for reading and reviewing.

03/08/2009 08:38 pm
I'm enjoying the care and attention to the emotional detail.  There is a hesitancy and sweetness that really brings the characters to life.  I can feel a thoroughly satsifying read coming on! 
Thank you. :)

03/07/2009 11:46 pm
I'm really enjoying this story, and can't wait to keep up with your updates!
Thanks Jelly. I love that your username is Jelly!