Third Time's the Charm by TammyDevil666
Chapter: Chapter 4

Buffy Convert
07/07/2009 11:32 pm
I love your Spike. I won't be leaving comments every chapter because I am suffering from some yucky ophthmalic problem & can't read as long as I would like at a time.

06/03/2009 04:05 am
No no - not Riley!  Hope there's another flagpole handy.

03/13/2009 10:48 pm
good chapter, thank you. have a problem with buffy asking spike to watch dawn so she can go out on date.  even she is not that self-absorbed. wait, it's buffy. sorrry.

03/13/2009 04:53 pm
I feel bad for Spike but it's good that he's hanging in there.  Also regarding Buffy's date, I never understood the concept of going out with someone just because they like you. Why sound so apologetic when she's not interested?

Flames to dust
03/13/2009 11:11 am

A shame that Spike was not coming with Dawn in arms, it would not be an image very badass for his part, but here he was trying to demonstrate his value.

Riley? I hope that Dawn vomits above him!! ; P

Waiting for more.

Nos leemos.^^

03/12/2009 12:42 am
i like the cute scene between them in the end, hoping the date doesn't go well.