Coming Home by BloodyHell
Chapter: Chapter 3

05/01/2009 04:31 pm
Oh this is so satisfying. Now they've had The Talk that they really should have had on the show and come to terms with their feelings for each other. Spike is convinced he's going to die and Buffy's half convinced she is so they're each extracing promises from the other. Lovely. 
Thanks for your review :)!
I really wish it would have been a little like this on the show.Sigh.

05/01/2009 04:00 pm
That was an AMAZING chapter!!!!
Thank you :)!

04/13/2009 08:26 pm
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So beautiful. I love your writing. The decriptions, the dialogue, the characterization, it's all so perfect and comes together in this magnificent package that's just awesome! The part towards the beginning about Spike was a nice lil view into his thoughts. I always thought it would make sense if Spike went into the battle expecting to die. Sad, yes, but logical. I mean, the fight took place in the freaking middle of the day and he went wearing the fashion disaster of the century. Anyhow, I can't wait to see what you have in store next!
Speechless again!YOu give me too much credit,I'm not THAT good ;)
But thank you very,very,very much *hugs*!

03/24/2009 05:18 am
Great story.  I hope by the time you post your next chapter, it'll be readable on bloodshedverse.  Thanks for posting the alternate site to read it.  Hopefully Spike will find a way to avoid "dieing.
Thanks for your review! It's really a bummer, that BS is not working :(

03/24/2009 01:30 am
The gremlins got you. There's no text. Moop. :o(
It's sad,really...