Who Whatting How with Huh? by Spikez_tart
Chapter: All the Extra Programming

11/08/2009 05:42 am
Ha!  I just knew Spike was going to pretend to be the Spike-bot.  How fun is this going to be!!!!
If it's a plan and it's stupid, it must be Spike.  Thanks for reviewing.

06/24/2009 01:57 pm
 I am loving this story, I know its a WIP, but I hope you update frequently, because I will be all caught up in no time! off to read more :)
Thanks so much for all the reviews and for loving the story.  I actually have it finished (probably if I don't rework the ending) so frequent updates are guaranteed.

04/30/2009 04:27 pm
What possible extra programming could Buffy have ordered?
Only Warren knows for sure.  Oh and me, but I'm not telling until Chapter ...12.   Thanks for reviewing.

04/29/2009 06:04 pm
I am wiping MY eyes from all the giggling.
Thanks for reviewing lynn.  I think Buffy is going to like her new toy.