Hot Chocolate by Aisalynn
Chapter: Hot Chocolate

01/19/2012 12:46 pm
How come when I make myself hot chocolate that doesn't happen to me? Maybe I'm using the wrong recipe?! :)

She is so broken, it's still to raw for her. She didn't have time to grieve her mom before she died and then being brought back. Laughing about stories of her mom then crying. If she hadn't died then by this point in time she probably would have been okay with the stories Spike was telling her because she would have had the time to grieve. But things didn't work out that way.

07/02/2009 11:20 pm
Mmm hot chocolate plus. What a nightcap!

05/08/2009 04:20 am
Okay, the counter thing squicked me.  Would have liked to hear Spike telling a story or two.  Nice lonely mood.

05/08/2009 12:53 am
Oh, horrible place to leave it!  Well done, though. 

05/07/2009 09:08 pm
Yum. Hot chocolate and Spike - what a winning combination!