Who Whatting How with Huh? by Spikez_tart
Chapter: When I Think of You

07/24/2010 02:37 pm

09/10/2009 02:06 pm
     Don't faint now,Buffy!  You'll miss the best part.  Oh, who am I kidding? It's all been the "best part"!  Love all your guest stars, original charactors or whatever you call them.
Guest stars - that's a great idea.  Much spiffier sounding that mere characters. 

07/31/2009 07:59 pm

06/25/2009 01:00 pm
 *grins from ear to ear* loved this chap.. did Buffy figure it out with the no reflection? WAIT! dont tell me, am off to next chap :P 
Nope, it's niggling her brain, but she hasn't got it yet.  Thanks.

05/17/2009 08:07 pm
LOL funny!
That's the best review I could want!

05/16/2009 12:43 am
Wonder what Warren is up to?   And the jig is up for Spike as soon as Buffy comes out of her lust.  This continues to be hilarious! 
Thanks Joyce - I'll think I'll string dummy Buffy along a little longer. 

05/11/2009 09:13 am
I wonder how far things will go before Buffy figures it out.  Fun chapter.
Buffy is pretty slow on the uptake so things may get quite out of hand.  Thanks for reviewing.