Now Comes the Night by Eowyn315
Chapter: Now Comes the Night

10/28/2009 09:20 am
Every time I read a season 7 piece I always foolishly hope for a happy ending...Christmas. LOL Of course, I know how it all ends, and Buffy loses yet another person, but you can't stop a girl from wishing. So while reading this peace...I was wishing and hoping like crazy...because you know somewhere deep down both Buffy and Spike were wishing and hoping for a day after tomorrow. I agree with what you wrote, I think they both knew that this time one of them wouldn't make it out. I enjoyed this. Thank u

07/03/2009 12:56 pm
 *smirks* Spike, Spike, Spike, you know she loves you..
and Buffy, come on, just tell him for God's sake!  Loved it, thanks for sharing
Heh, but if they said what they were feeling, then they might actually be happy, and we can't have that. ;) Glad you liked it!

06/14/2009 03:22 pm

06/14/2009 03:22 pm

06/07/2009 04:44 pm
Very nice scene of both trying to care and comfort each other. Sounds like love to me!

06/06/2009 02:53 pm
*sigh* One of the best FitB fic for that particular episode I've read.
Aw, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

06/05/2009 03:06 am
"Lies might comfort her, but he’d spent far too long trying to convince them both that she loved him, and he was done fooling himself."

Truth, so truth, poor Spike...
Thanks for the review!

06/04/2009 11:18 pm

06/04/2009 07:03 pm
Oh, Buffy! *shakes head in frustration* If only she would tell him how she feels.. and before he's going up in flames.
Indeed... I really wanted this to seem like a missed opportunity. If they'd just had the "I love you"/"No you don't" conversation before the Hellmouth, then Buffy would've had time to prove to Spike she meant it. But alas... not to be.

06/04/2009 12:29 pm
Sweet. Very believable as a 'missing scene' as it fits so well into what we were shown.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

06/04/2009 12:29 pm
Poignant ending for them.
Thanks for the review!