Who Whatting How with Huh? by Spikez_tart
Chapter: Wonky Time

07/25/2010 02:01 am

09/10/2009 09:27 pm

    One thing that made BtVS a superior show, rather than just a good show, is Buffyverse's ability to laugh at itself :   your having Buffy muse that "all the robots she'd seen had done pretty much what they'd wanted"  seems to be of the same ilk.  "Even the Terminator got the governor's mansion".  Another good one!
     On a different note, I'm wondering if Doc is really working for the HellDiva;  there seems to be something suspiciously wholesome about him.

Hmmm - maybe the Terminator should visit Sunnydale.

06/26/2009 11:42 am
 So many funny lines in this chapter, the bit about the tea was great.  Also love that Doris is evil :) Nicely done ... Off for more!
I just know Willow and Tara drink herbal tea.  ugh.  The thought of it makes me want to mix up and nice, tall gin and tonic.

06/09/2009 07:28 pm
Oh oh....this could be really bad!  So Doris is a vengeance demon...it fits.

Too many people and demons know about Dawn so this will get bad quickly.

Nice update.
Doris had to be a demon!  Almost time to do some really bad stuff.  Thanks for reviewing.

06/07/2009 08:16 pm
Doris a demon -- that works for me!
What else could she be?  Thanks for reviewing.

06/07/2009 06:28 pm
Love your story..and your 'last week on WWHH'
Thank Anca - It's a little tip to the show which had the previously on Buffy things, which I never actually saw, because I only saw the show on DVD.  Thanks for reviewing.

06/07/2009 05:18 pm
Geez, the mirror thing should have clicked with super smart Willow you'd think! Loving the way you have the detail niggling Buffy's brain.
They're all so busy looking to bust Spike's chops that they've missed the obvious.  Thanks for reviewing.