Third Time's the Charm by TammyDevil666
Chapter: Chapter 22

04/19/2014 06:02 am
very romantic.  is dawn really going to end up with connor? 

04/08/2013 10:48 pm
Great Story :) Love it ^_^

Buffy Convert
07/08/2009 04:02 pm
     Excellent job! Every chapter was great & you didn't make the mistake that so many writers (sometimes including professional scribes) do: messing up the epilogue. There was enough build-up all thru the story so that the last chappy was tidy. It would be fun to know what happens next with the two teenagers : )  <hint, hint>
     In my opinion, you had just the right amount of my favorite ingredients: dialogue amongst the various charactors, humor, sex, irony, & your own secret ingredients - Parker, for one, not being dead.