Who Whatting How with Huh? by Spikez_tart
Chapter: Essential Inspirational Concepts

07/19/2009 06:01 pm
Great fun -- again!
Thanks Lou

07/13/2009 05:49 pm
Oh oh.....in Glory's clutches and we all know how THAT goes!

I ADORE the Sunnydale police!!!  Really I see that as the only possible way they could function.  Love the pool and the interaction with SpikeBot.

Love Wedgy too.  VERY funny OC who SHOULD be canon.

Buffy knows the jig is soon up so she might as well follow her heart (and other parts).  LOL

This is a wonderful romp in every way.


Thanks so much Kathleen.  I suspect the Chicago Police operate in a similar fashion.  It's always fun to intro new characters to the BSV. 

07/13/2009 01:18 am
 LMAO over and over!  Love the DB pic on the magazine :)  cant wait for the next update!
DB pic - I couldn't help myself.  Thanks for reviewing early and often as we say in Chicago.

07/12/2009 07:59 pm
The bots weren't having sex in public, were they? That's the impression I got. So glad that Warren is still sitting and stewing. I thought things were going to be resolved until this new sticky wicket. I see a fight in the next chapter...
Woo - maybe just a little bit ...  Can't resolve things just yet.  Thanks for reviewing.