Shattered silence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter five

07/18/2009 08:54 pm
very good read, thank you.
Thank you for reading and letting me know you liked vladt!!! :)

07/15/2009 11:49 pm
Just found this.  Very compelling.  Rare to find H/C with Buffy the one needing the comfort.  Dark and well done thus far.  The use of the Watchers potion makes perfect sense (and just why wouldn't the demon community be on to that bit of nonsense anyway?).

Put this in favorites to keep up with updates.
Hi Kathleen! That's exactly what I've been thinking... why wouldn't they? Plus, being evil guys that they are, they modified it a little bit to suite their purposes... and it will have consequences. More will be revealed as the story progresses. I feel honoured that you like my story, since I love all yours... you're a great writer!! Thank you for leaving a review!!! :)