Shattered silence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: chapter nine

08/14/2009 04:45 am

totally am liking this very different Buffy treatment - this is such a good combination of feeling her pain and suffering and abuse from her captivity and this other part with this demon and their connection -

Good Job -

I'm glad you like so far! :) I'm trying not to sweep her experience under the rug and make her all happy as fast as I can 'cause that wouldn't be very believable. The attraction rises though, and Spike will have to keep his hands to himself which will be difficult for him, as he he is used to take what he wants at all times. More soonish, today probably! :) Thanks for yet another lovely review, nmcil!!!! :)

08/09/2009 05:55 am
very good chapter, thank you. what wonderfully evil last line.
LOL First time I've been called evil! Next coming up, the nightmare and Spike reliving some of his memories, I hope you'll stay tuned, vladt. Thanks for an awesome review!!! :)

08/08/2009 03:02 am
Interesting concept. Eagerly awaiting the your explanation in chapters to follow.
More explanations in the chapters to follow. Comin up, the nightmare and Spike's walk down the memory lane. I hope you'll stay tuned! Thanks for all your great reviews, I really appreciate them!!! :)

08/07/2009 05:11 pm
A very detailed chapter of the two of them, on the brink of a relationship but already so needy of the other.  I love the way you have brought them together and with all the contradictory emotions, they still gravitate towards each other: as in Canon, in the end these two, demon and demon slayer give each other both salvation and the most ultimate gift.
Beautifully said, Sue!!! :) They need each other, they crave the closeness but it's too early to cross the line, there are still so many unresolved issues, so the emotions will clash. Spike will be having a hard time keeping his need in check. But in the end, they'll give each other exactly what you said- salvation and belief. Couldn't have said it better myself! Thanks for a wonderful review!!! :)