Prayers for a Poet by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: part 6

01/01/2007 04:21 am
So much to lose in only a few moments but Spike is so much more then the vampire he was before he loved Buffy. Wondering what Joyce is going to do and how she can help. Maybe she can get his soul back. Buffy's love for him doesn't depend on if he has a soul or not, neither does it to Dawn. Glad that crazy nut job is gone but it's not over since Holland want's Angel's soul as well. I can't wait to find out how Angel got Shanshued and Spike didn't. He's the real hero here, alway's meant to be. Now to help them heal. Fantastic story FMS, can't say it enough.
Yeah, Spike did go through a lot. Joyce has more of a hand in this than you might think, as do some very persuasive people in Higher places. As to how Angel ends up with the shansu...we all know Spike will do anything for someone he loves. And believe it or not, there's someone he loves more than Buffy. :)

09/12/2006 12:58 am
wow...intense, pet...on to the end :)
Yes very. Thanks for noticing. :)

05/16/2006 09:03 pm
Perfect end of the chapter....just when Spike despaired of Dawn's love, there she is! This is really so very well done.

Someone had to keep Spike from the Dark Side of the Force.

02/23/2006 08:23 am
This was very, very good. I found out about it when I saw the sequel, and I had to read it before I could read the sequel.
Thanks for giving my little stories a chance. ;-) I admit, they can be emotionally draining and maybe a bit confusing, at times. But they're worth it! At least I think so.