Shattered silence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter fourteen

09/22/2009 06:58 am
so far, so good. fine chapter, thank you.
I'm glad you liked, vladt. Thank you so much for the review!!! :D

09/18/2009 06:31 am
Just wanted to wish you all the Best of Luck with school and this new phase of your life-

Super busy getting ready for an exhibition so can't do any reading right now - will get back to your fine story this week-end.  If you need additional banners to match what happens in your story as it develops we can try some new ones. 
:))) Thank you! I hope it'll go well, I love studying! :D Especially something I'm interested in (I'm studying magazine journalism).

I love art!!! Not the modern art so much, but I like when something's different... like Chaim Soutine. Anyway, good luck with the exhibition! :) I'd love to have another banner from you, since you're so talented. Btw loved the banner poll... it is impossible to choose just one though. I'd say the first one is yours, because I really loved it and it looks a little bit like your style, but I may be mistaken. :) I hope you'll like the next chapter and don't hesitate to give me pointers! Thank you for the review Sylvia!!!!