Shattered silence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter twenty

10/26/2009 04:29 pm
Don't be anxious, really enjoyed it!  Sexy but tender.
:DD Thank you so much!... I was a bit nervous about writing it since I wanted it to be meaningful, not just sex, so thank you for the lovely review, Liza!!! :)

10/22/2009 12:07 pm
One thing I like so much about youir story is how Spike changes along with Buffy - both trying to become whole and healed. 
Spike's always been someone who adapts to the situation he's in, always changing and molding himself but still retaining that core of who he is, and now that he finally found someone who loves him back, Spike's trying to be deserving of it. They both give each other what they need. :) Thank you for the lovely review!!! :D

10/14/2009 08:47 pm
great update, thank you.  relieve all the tension and then restore it.
Yep, that's me! Gotta keep you on your toes. *grins* Thanks for the lovely review, vladt!!! :D

10/14/2009 07:13 am
Anxious?.... Not too worry... Who doesn't love "hot" virgin set with a nasty twist of angst/cliff hanger at the end? 

Don't leave us hanging too long... Plz!
*giggles* Indeed! I thought  it was the right time to make them do the final leap, because they both needed the ultimate connection, not just mental but also physical. As for the cliff hanger... it gives me an extra thrill to do that! :D More next week! Thank you for the review, I really appreciate it!!! :)