Shattered silence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter twenty-one

10/25/2009 03:13 pm
Just sat and read the whole 21 chapters - I am completely taken by your story.  The charactisations of Buffy and Spike, the idea - absolutely awesome.

I hope your coursework goes well and really looking forward to reading more.
*huge smile* I'm having a rough time writing a news story for my course right now so your review just made my day! :)) I'm really happy you've liked it so far... I have the next chapter written, and I hope I will have time to write the next one as well in the next few days. Thank you so much for the lovely review, it was just what I needed!!! :)

10/22/2009 12:28 pm
Good luck with all your work - and thanks loads for keeping up with your terrific story and posting the new chapters -- it has to be difficult trying to get all things done.

An interesting plot turn with bringng in Joyce and the theme of guilt and shame that has to be part of her experience -
It's tough but I'm trying! Reviews like yours always help me find some extra free time to write. *winks* Thanks for the awesome compliment, I'm really glad you're enjoying it! :)

Buffy and Joyce definitely have some unresolved issues between them, and Buffy not telling her mom what had really happened has not only something to do with not wanting to hurt her mother, but also Buffy's lack of trust. Being in the loony bin isn't exactly the experience Buffy wants to have a repeat of, not when she'd been a prisoner for months.

Thanks for the awesome review, Sylvia!!! :)