Third Time's the Charm by zennjenn
Chapter: Coming Clean

07/18/2010 06:42 am

10/29/2009 04:23 am
Whoa! This definitely is far in the future of Buffy-dom. Buffy finally got it - "I'm jealous of you. Of how much you love me."
I almost feel scared to read whatever comes next. This is a facet of the Buffster I've never seen before.
Interesting - I'm glad I was able to bring this out.  Thank you so much for reading and getting it!  But don't be'll all work out!  I promise! :0)

10/24/2009 12:13 am
Wow, a lot of chapters to catch up to.
Spike is so sure that Buffy will age.... maybe Buffy is the exception?
And maybe he knows now that he was wrong thinking to know what Buffy wants.
LOL - I think in this particular fic they have both learned the hard way that they are both wrong in thinking they know what the other wants.  Oh well - we all have god intentions when it comes to those we love right? 

10/22/2009 02:27 am
Oh! I was so excited to see the update notice in my inbox. Loved it, and loved how Buffy explained that it's not just Sam she's jealous of. Though really, hasn't Spike learned by now that Buffy responds SO well to people deciding what she needs for her? lol

btw, I think you mean She turned on her heels, though with as emotionally turbulent as this chapter was, turning on her feels probably was totally doable. :D

WOO! I just got the notice for chapter 19. *clicks*

LOL - fixed it! Thanks for pointing it out so quickly!  Sorry it's taken me so long, work has just been crazy busy!  I remember when I was writing that conversation and it had sort of stalled and then it just clicked and I realised what the root of her jealousy was and that was a turning point for me and this story. That awareness sort of drove the rest of the fic right to its ending.  How can she prove that she loves him as much?

Again, thank you so much for the feedback.  Here's to turning on our "feels"!!! :0)