Third Time's the Charm by zennjenn
Chapter: Best Laid Plans

07/18/2010 07:03 am

10/31/2009 02:27 am
don't know who is more insane , spike or red? very good read, thank you.
Both!  Thank you for reading!

10/24/2009 12:34 am
Spike seem to get what he wished to, too bad for him. But good he's wrong about what he thinks he'll get. ;)
But Willow has an idea, huh? Sounded good but not the part where Spike has to be staked. Buffy won't like it.
She might not like it - but chances are she'll do what needs to be done.  She's usually pretty good that way! :0)  so glad you've stuck with me along this journey.  I really appreciate your feedback and comments!  Thank you so much!

10/23/2009 04:44 pm
yikes a plan to kill spike and possibly bring him back - got to go to next chapter now!
LOL - yeah - I was on a posting spree and figured I would do my best to get them all up!  Hope you enjoy the last ones.

10/23/2009 03:42 pm
oops! that last review was me; I forgot to sign in. :
Not a problem! :0)

10/23/2009 03:40 pm
Ack! I ... well, really, all I want to do is click the little arrows taking me to the next chapter because I need to find out what you've got planned. lol I'm more than a little worried about this plan Spike & co. have hatched. . . *bites lip*

I did like the little interlude with Buffy & Liam. I've never had a huge problem with Angel or anything, I don't like him with Buffy, obviously, but other than that, I really rather like him. It was nice to see him clearly not the guy for Buffy, but not a complete tool, which is how he's portrayed too often. And I thought the parallel between Melody's career as a police officer and Buffy's being the slayer was a nice touch.

Okay, clicking through to find out what's in store next... :)

Glad to hear that you are worried....all the right buttons being hit then! Yeah!!! :0)  And you're right, Angel was never a horrible character, I was just never overly found of them together, he always struck me as just too old for her - which I know - sounds really strange.  But I didn't think he was what she needed at that point in her life.  I guess that's the beauty of fanfic!  I can do whatever I want within reason! :0)


Okay - now I'm really hoping you like the end! lol