The Fall of the Night by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Chapter Nine: A Day Out

01/07/2010 05:48 am
Liking this so far... The characters seem very true. I love your other stories, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this one continues... hint hint :)
Thank you for letting me know that you're enjoying the story.  Two more chapters just posted.  Will be back on schedule now - had to be offline due to RL troubles. 

Pam S
01/05/2010 04:50 pm

   Can't help but think... something is going to happen to poor Helen.. now that she and Spike are a "couple".. for Buffy to walk back into his life..

It's inevitable in a Spuffy fic! LOL!  Spike is holding on to the first love offered to him after going through such a tough time...but you and I know that his heart will always belong to Buffy and so someone will be getting hurt...

Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it - I got absolutely roasted on a different archive when this chapter went up! LOL