Need You Now by DreamScape99
Chapter: Chapter Two

07/06/2010 02:23 am
Arrgh, not once but twice you fooled me!  You do know how to maintain the tension.   
 Hehe that was my intention :) Thanks for reviewing

02/10/2010 11:42 am
oh my god!!!!!!!!!!your evil!!!!!!!!dont leave us like that!!!!you just have to update soon!i cant wait for this call to happen!anyway great job!
 MUhaha! I'm sorry I just can't help myself when it comes to cliffhangers. :D But don't worry chapter 3 is already written and will be up soon. Thanks for reviewing!!!

02/10/2010 12:35 am
What a dream, it started so good but ended to bad. Ah the phone call that woke Buffy is Spike? So maybe she'll glad that he woke her up now. :)
 I know! It started off so amazing, I had trouble even writing the end :( But I'm glad your liking it Thanks for the review!

02/10/2010 12:25 am

love it! even better than the first chapter!
you are a  very talented writer my frienddddd!


 Hehe! :D why thanks you very much kels!