Tell Her This by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 4

07/18/2010 07:22 pm
Beautiful ending!  Selfish me something more smoochy but I totally get it.  They are on a path to mature love.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

06/14/2010 06:53 am
Your stories are always so perfect.  Who would have ever thought I could be ok with a story that does not end with Buffy and Spike together?  But with the way you wrote it, I was very satisfied with the ending--more than that.  I was actually happy to see that Buffy understands that Spike needs time to grow and find out who he is and he realizes it, too.   Well written--as all your stories are!
Thank you! I was definitely hoping it would be satisfying to have them come to an understanding, even if it doesn't mean immediate sexytimes. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

05/17/2010 12:06 pm
I really like this story.. x I would love to see a sequal to it.. x I think you should have a spike version or something when he goes back to rome? x I dunno..x thanks for writing it I really enjoyed it<3 x

Much Love

<3 K.M <3
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I've been mulling over the idea of a sequel, but I don't think anything's happening on that front at the moment.

I hope there is a sequel. :-)
05/10/2010 01:11 pm

05/06/2010 11:33 pm
Fabulous adult ending for them.  Ready for the next time around.  One day, they'll both be ready at the same time.  Wonderful. 
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

05/03/2010 04:58 am
Ohh semi sad ending.  :(  Nice story though.
Hee, I prefer to think of it as "open-ended." :) I actually went back and forth a lot on how to end it, but I ended up deciding that they weren't quite ready to settle down yet. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!

05/01/2010 11:07 pm
LOVED it!!! Hoping for an epilogue.....
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! No epilogue, though... that's where it ends.

04/26/2010 06:38 am
 Oh wow. I really liked how you ended this. Spike is still growing and Buffy is learning to accept Spike changing into a better person. Wonderfully done.
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

04/25/2010 09:33 pm
 And ooh! I forgot to mention the part about cookie dough! Loved it, such a Buffy thing to say, and the way you wrote it was like watching SMG babble :D
Thanks! :)

04/25/2010 09:32 pm
I loved Buffys "no, you`re not, but thanks for saying it" line!!

I really, really wanted them to end up together in the end of this fic (I was 100 % sure they were going to :P) but I really liked that you did something a bit original, and I have no doubt that they`ll end up back together when Spike`s a cake. Or cookies. Ya  know.

I enjoyed this a lot, thanks for writing it! :)
Heh, that line was a total coincidence. I wrote something like, "No, you don't, but I appreciate the sentiment," and then realized the similarity, lol. Thank you for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

04/25/2010 06:17 pm
Very satisfying reunion fic. Lots of misunderstandings leading up to the realisation that they're in love and the mature decision that being together can wait until Spike's ready.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.