The Better To Bite You With by Joyful Dayz
Chapter: Chapter 3 - Yours

05/28/2010 03:08 am
Whoops!  What has Buffy done.  Mmm Spuffy goodness.
Thank you!  Yes, Buffy really did it this time.

05/27/2010 03:44 pm

mmmm.  Just found this fic.  loving it. 

Thank you!  I'm glad you are enjoying it.

05/24/2010 01:18 pm
Yikes, so Spike kinda trapped Buffy unknowingly into a vampire mating claim didn't he? Somehow I cannot see Buffy or the Scoobs taking that little bit of news very well. I've read lots of claim stories but not many where Spike did it without Buffys knowledge. Interesting concept. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you!  Yes, that did happen, though coming up--, oops, almost gave you a spoiler.

05/23/2010 03:39 am
Love this chap.  Especially I love, "This was her Spike, her secret Spike...", though the series never said so, I was always sure she must have dreamed of him after Willow's engagement spell.  He was just so sweet and yummy for such an evil vamp. 
Thank you!  I thought so too.

05/22/2010 07:56 pm
Wow, that was some fast healing there!

Yeah, there's nothing like slayer blood, don't ya know  :P   Thanks for your comments!