Fin Amour by Angearia
Chapter: Chapter Four

07/28/2010 01:33 am
 The pregnancy added a vivid twist to the Winnebago attack.  I loved the  image you painted of Buffy standing on Spike whacking at the soldiers with the skillet on a rope.

It does appear that the gang has been painted into a corner.  Anya's right, if Buffy leaves, maybe the Knights and Glory would murder them all horribly.

07/24/2010 08:43 pm
A very practical and ingenious plan...very creative of you. 
Thank you!

07/05/2010 11:53 pm
Good twiest - like the way Anya pegged Tara as being useless too.
Thanks!  Yeah, poor Tara.  But well, it's kinda true. 

07/05/2010 09:01 am
Winnebago still a dumb idea......but hiding Buffy with a spell is at least something.
Well, Buffy's not thinking clearly at the moment and she left it up to Spike. :-/  I'm glad you liked the hiding spell!

07/05/2010 07:57 am
love this version of season 5!
Thank you! :D