Stolen Innocence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter twenty-eight

09/15/2010 04:01 am
hm - wondering how Dru got into Giles' place.
You'll find out eventually. All I can say is, she's been invited. Thank you for the lovely review!!! :)

07/19/2010 02:02 pm
Oh, a very chilling chapter regarding Spike's condition and the safety of Faith and Giles, but I loved the connecting moment of reverence for Buffy and Spike.  Thanks for the update.
Darla and Dru really dished out a punishment for the whole following the Slayer around but not killing her thing. Seeing him like that, looking practically dead freaked Buffy out. But even half crazed with blood loss, Spike didn't attack her, whoch further convinced her she can trust him. Also, she came to a realization that even the demon in him attracts her. Both Faith and Giles definitely aren't safe. Thank you for the awesome review, Deb!!! :)