Stolen Innocence by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter thirty-six

Pam S
08/24/2010 08:44 pm
One beta is fine.. please  update..  and if you feel the need-make changes later.  

 Forgot to add to my comments.
Hee... so far, you guys seem to be preferring that option. I'll probably update once a week till my other beta gets back and re-edit it then. I can't bear the withdrawal of not updating. lol

Thanks for letting me know, I really appreciate it!!! :)

Pam S
08/24/2010 07:57 pm

Ahhh.. the cliff hanger.. bad bad.. LOL


But just a tiny one! ;) Gotta keep you interested, don't I? And who knows where the Buffy/Spike teasing might lead? Thank you for the awesomeness that is you!!! :D