West of the Moon, East of the Sun by KnifeEdge
Chapter: Chapter 66: Blood and Iron

09/22/2010 01:23 am
Ahhh, cant you just let him drink her a little soon? He seems to be inches away from dust-by-starvation (or is it dust-by-stubbornness?;)) Buffy wouldnt want to carry home a dusty skeleton now, would she?? SHe ought to force him to eat! Right away!

But in any case: I need more!! Please update soon.

09/21/2010 02:52 pm
Poor Pooh.  I hope he gets away and can live a nice polar bear life...

09/21/2010 02:47 pm
Thank you for another wonderful chapter -- I'll miss Pooh though!

09/21/2010 01:15 pm
Awwww - poor Pooh!  Nicely done danger - just enough not to make the escape too easy, but not so much that they don't make it.  Maybe Pooh can eat Goblins? *is worried about the bear* lol

09/21/2010 01:07 pm
Ah, a long, satisfying chapter.  Shame about Pooh, would've been fun if they could have turned him loose around Sunnydale. Heh.