The Moments in Between by coalitiongirl
Chapter: oneshot

10/16/2010 08:02 am
Thank you for writing this! I just finished #37 and am a little terrified that Joss will negate the many Spuffy reunion fanfictions that I have come to love. Sneaking this piece in between two issues is perfect. Well done - just enough romanticy goodness mixed in with believability. :)

10/01/2010 01:53 am
I refuse to read the comics because from all I hear they aren't about the Buffy I know, respect, or care about. So I know very little about what is happening in the comic plots But since I like you as a writer, I wanted to read what you had to say.  And I like it!  I imagine you found a good way to add some Spuffy without going against the comics' plot by putting in this "it could have happened this way" scene.  I can just see this being the way the two of them would react to seeing each other again--the love, the need, the putting it aside for both pride's sake and for the good of the mission like always.  Thanks for making the comics more Spuffy!

09/28/2010 03:59 am
Good get rid of that Angel stink once and for all.  :)