Help Yourself in Seven Days by Sotia
Chapter: Day Two – Shirk responsibility

12/05/2010 07:31 pm
Love how the comfiness and accepting factor is growing!  Great distraction too in the appearance of Xander. 
Thank you muchly :) I'm glad you liked!


12/02/2010 10:58 pm
 You are an amazing writer! Please update :D :D
Thank you so much for saying this. I hope you liked the update :)


11/28/2010 06:42 pm
I adore this story.  It is so sweet. 
Spike truly does know just what Buffy needs, and loves her enough to give it to her whether she wants it or not. 
I like how Buffy finally directed her anger where it truly belonged - on Willow (the freeloader).  It is also nice to see that if given a chance I think Xander and Spike could actually become friends.
Overall a great little story.
Thank you very-very much for reading, liking, and taking the time to let me know! I hope you will keep liking :)

Xander could be a decent human being when he didn't let bias get in his way. In this fic he's a bit more open-minded and a bit more... vocal than on the show.