Help Yourself in Seven Days by Sotia
Chapter: Day Four – Let people know how you feel (Part A)

12/15/2010 12:35 am
I see growth in Buffy, and in complete Buffy style she is fighting that growth tooth and nail.  I'm looking forward to how she deals with Xander, the most prejudiced and least likely to accept Spike of all the scoobies.
You'll find that out soon enough!

I'm glad you see the growth and that you consider it in character :)

Thank you!

12/14/2010 07:18 pm
My only complaint is that it needs to be posted faster. I am really enjoying the premise of this one.
Oh God, I think you're going to hate me when I say there will be no update next week *bites nails*

I'm glad you're enjoying, though :) Thank you!

12/12/2010 12:37 am
The Truth will set you free..

So true!

I'm glad you enjoyed. Thank you!
