The Ghost in You by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 6

behind blue eyes
10/06/2011 03:55 pm

The Scoobies always seemed to look in the wrong place.  They're seatbelts have them strapped too tightly on the "We hate Spike bus" they don't even see what's right in front of them

I love that phrase - "Seatbelts too tight on the We Hate Spike Bus"! 
I may have to blatantly steal that someday... :-)

08/06/2011 09:35 pm
Spike's on the right track, but. . .

How many times can I say that Willow and Xander are dense without it sounding redundant? 
Department of redundancy department! How can I help you? :-)

04/09/2011 12:09 am

Buffy definitely needs some ghostly abilities.  She should at least be able to scare these goofs half to death.

Wish I had thought of that...

04/06/2011 11:41 pm

yep so now they disinvite Spike, oh I hope they need him and he can't get in!  I want to throw things at the scoobies as well.

I feel a little bad for the poor Scoobies - I've been ragging on them a lot lately.
But they aggrivate me sometimes...