The Ghost in You by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 12

07/14/2012 03:38 am
Completely appropriate rage, given the circumstances.  And you know, I never really thought about it (even though I've been reading a TON of Dresden Files lately), but Willow really did violate her, in several ways, taking away her free will and so on.
So many times during the series I wanted to smack Willow. So I let Buffy do it for me. 

behind blue eyes
10/06/2011 04:38 pm

Always Willow with the magics making things worse not better

But maybe THIS time it will work! (not!)

08/13/2011 08:37 pm
I really can't believe the nerve of Willow after what she did initially.  Guess it's a case of if it didn't work to her satisfaction, it must be because she didn't do more of it...  This is a really intriguing tale and I am loving every word!
Thank you so much!

Willow and magic - two great tastes, that just don't always work together...

08/07/2011 06:36 am
I think I would've been egging Buffy on, not trying to stop her.  Willow's biggest sin in season 6 was her hubris.  She thought she was better, smarter, and that her world view was the correct one.  Fool.
But I think actually strangling Willow, however justified, would have just brought more problems. Hiding bodies, etc. 

But Willow did need a serious kick. I just wish they could have kicked her without killing Tara. I liked Tara. 

04/21/2011 03:19 am
Wow im so in love with this fic i really hope you intend to finish it cause i would love to see how it ends.
FInishing as rapidly as paid employment duties will allow. 

(Stupid paid employment...)

04/20/2011 10:04 am

Of course Willow had to do something, hopefully Buffys reaction will keep her from trying again. Buffys and Spikes relationship seems to have a real chance though, that's good.

Willow was way overdue for a smackdown. 

04/19/2011 10:34 am
Can't say I blame Buffy for taking a shot at Willow a coma.
She had it coming...

04/19/2011 02:38 am

I have to admit I had my fingers crossed Buffy would strangle Willow, but shaking her like a tree and tackling her is just as well. I can just picture her whining in my head. Hope she got the message. Poor Dawn, what a rollercoaster ride for her. Great updates, thanks!

You're welcome.

I thought about pounding Willow further, but decided it might range into the realm of out of character, so I restrained myself.