Seven Deadly Sins by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Unraveling

11/25/2013 06:17 am
  Hahah, this is getting simultaneously funnier and darker the longer this goes on.
Read on, Macbeth!

behind blue eyes
08/27/2011 03:33 pm

Loved the interaction between the characters!

That stuff is so much fun to write, I gotta say. 

07/26/2011 08:23 pm
"Angel in a tutu" Hilarious!   I wonder what instigator is up to right about now?
Wait and see...

05/27/2011 10:01 pm

great update - title says it all, everyone is coming undone, and possibly coming together at the Magic Box for some enlightenment? I love this fic, said it before and will say it again, each sin so suits each scoob!

I really felt like there was no contest as to who got which sin. I mean, Willow always had pride all over her, Anya was always greed personified. I only had to really think about Sloth and Gluttony. Poor Tara...

05/27/2011 01:16 pm
I love this story - your choice of which sin to ascribe to each character is intriguing. If you'd chosen differently the story would end up completely different. I can't help pondering the many alternatives... I can't wait for them all to get together and for somebody to notice that something is very wrong... and did Tara forget she's allergic to shrimp as we discovered in 'Triangle'?
I felt that most of the characters were just sort of begging to have that particular sin attached to them. I mean, who can't see Spike and think Lust? 

As for the shrimp, well, magic makes you do whacky things...

(Ok, Tara didn't forget that minor detail. Someone who shall remain nameless, who only saw Triangle once or twice forgot that minor detail. We'll have her flogged.) (ouch.)

05/24/2011 08:08 am

They have a lot of problems but it's amusing to read.

Thanks for staying with it. More coming soon...