Universal by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 7

08/23/2011 12:30 pm

Very nice wedding, but now Giles is here.

Glad you liked the wedding!

08/20/2011 10:21 pm
I'm sorry I'm just now getting around to reading. This was a lovely chapter, even though you had the spooky dream at the beginning and Giles' appearance at the end. I look forward to your next.
Thanks so much for tuning in Sanity! Glad you liked it. 

08/20/2011 02:37 pm
Giles' timing was perfect!  I was so afraid he'd arrive early and spoil everything... Now all that's left is your timing....  be a luv and write fast, yes? 

Again, thanks for excellent work,


As soon as I get this stack of term papers graded, I will get back to work. Alas, grades are due for the  summer term next week, and my students get all testy if I don't give them grades!

08/19/2011 12:41 pm
Aw what lovely vows. So glad they managed to get through the ceremony without outside interference. Now for the confrontations.........
Yeah, I had to let them have that. They've been good. :-)

08/19/2011 12:41 pm
Ha too late Giles!
Thank you East Coast weather for the delay!

Based on the general timeline from the first story, it has to be about the last week in November/first week in December. So the delays from NY are definitely possible. 

08/19/2011 12:24 pm

I like the story and I would like to read more. Please update as soon as you can.

Thank you so much! I will try to update sooner rather than later. 

08/19/2011 06:14 am
 That was just lovely, and very romantic,which I love, because, if I am anything, it's a big ol' marshmellow for romance!.......................................Then at the end, the proverbial "__________" has hit the fan with the entrance of Giles.         I shudder to think about what comes next, what with the bad dreams and all, in addition to interfering scoobies. It's all leading up to a very bumpy ride I think.::))
Glad you liked it. Romance has never really been my forte (I never read romances in real life. I'm much more of a sci-fi/murder mystery sort of person), so I am always a little nervous when I write romantic scenes.

As for the rest, you'll have to just wait and see...