Universal by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 28

10/14/2011 01:04 am
 I've never seen anyone write so quickly. You're spoiling us all, and I love it. Great update! Very touching moment between Tara and Buffy. Tara was such a wonderful character, a kind and loving woman, a born nurturer. Hopefully Buffy and Spike get to the baby in time so she can assist them in raising her. I wonder how the others will react to Buffy asking Tara and not them............ I can't wait for the action to start, I'm really looking forward to it!
More that I edit quickly - I had the story more or less finished about 2-3 weeks ago, but now I'm editing a chapter at a time. 

Glad you are enjoying still!

10/13/2011 04:16 pm

First I need to apologize for being a bad, rude fan by not reviewing this wonderful story on a regular basis.  I really love the idea of Tara raising Emma.  Who wouldn't love having someone like Tara for a mom?!  Looking forward to the next update.

No need to apologize! Thanks so much for tuning in, and I'm glad you like it!

10/13/2011 12:47 pm
Tara would be perfect to raise Emma. Glad to see Buffy thought about it, but shouldn't she had done something legally about it?

Wes is showing that he can be a stand up guy, him helping the gang is much better than staying in LA and going into that downward spiral he was heading for.
We'll let them worry about legality later.

I thought Wes needed a chance to redeem himself though. 

10/13/2011 12:34 pm
Giles and the scoobies are not going to be happy B&S have gone off on their own... truly in character though. Wonderful chapter, and then an Evil cliffie! {taps foot impatiently, waiting for the next chapter}
Sorry about the evil cliffhanger. I do that to my readers a lot don't I.... (Buahaha)

10/13/2011 10:48 am


Thank you!

10/13/2011 09:54 am

Good choice to ask Tara about raising the child, they need someone who can live in the light. Without Amara gems or Mohra blood will Tara be the best alternative.

Tara's just so cuddly. Heck, I wouldn't mind her as a mom. 

I also wouldn't mind being a mom who can turn my kids into toads if they misbehave...